Sophi 👩‍💻 helps you manage your digital life Surface items that need your attention. Reduce context-switching and boost productivity

Our Mission: Save you a minimum of 15 minutes of manual effort per query and up to 8 hours per week finding what matters most to you.


Understands Your digital life

Integrates with Slack, code repositories, Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar. Provides a unified, accessible knowledge base for streamlined workflow and boosted productivity.

Incorporates Live Public Knowledge

Access real-time information from GitHub, Stack Overflow, Wikipedia, and news sources. Complements your internal data with the latest public knowledge.


Set reminders and integrate with Google Calendar. Stay organized and on top of tasks and deadlines effortlessly.


Sends proactive messages and notifications to keep you informed. Reduces response time and ensures critical tasks are promptly addressed.

Our prices


Hobbyists and Students

  • 100 GB
  • Developer Integrations
  • Up to 100 chat messages per month


Professionals and Start-ups

  • 1 TB
  • Developer Integrations
  • Unlimited Chat Messages


More Data and Customizations

  • 10 TB of data
  • 100+ integrations
  • Unlimited chat messages
  • Custom Commands


How can Sophi improve my productivity?

Sophi surfaces insights that need your attention, reducing context-switching and allowing you to focus on what matters most. By integrating with your digital workspace and providing real-time, actionable information, Sophi helps streamline your workflow and boost productivity.

What integrations does Sophi offer?

Sophi integrates with various platforms, including Slack, code repositories, Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, GitHub, Stack Overflow, Wikipedia, and news sources. These integrations ensure that all your important data and information are accessible from one place.

Does Sophi respect my privacy?

Yes, Sophi respects your privacy. It securely integrates with your digital tools and ensures that your data is protected while providing you with the insights you need.

What does it mean Sophi is proactive?

Sophi proactively sends you messages and notifications, keeping you informed about important updates and potential issues. This proactive approach helps you stay on top of your tasks and respond promptly to critical matters.

Why is Sophi actionable?

Sophi provides actionable insights by setting reminders, integrating with Google Calendar, and suggesting follow-up actions. This ensures that you can easily manage your tasks and deadlines, enhancing your efficiency and productivity.